Friday, May 31, 2019

Wood Floor Made from Palight PVC Board

This floor could be used as gaming tiles or as part of a diorama, with minis. 

I measured floorboards 1/4" apart, and then cut grooves in them using a woodcarving "v-tool" gouge.

I also marked the ends of the floorboards using various combinations of tools shown. 

I used a hobby knife to draw grain marks along the boards, and marked up the boards using rocks to give a worn texture. 

I used the end of a screwdriver to press the material down along ends of boards. 

Marked off nail holes with a marker then poked them in using an awl. 

I used the screwdriver again along the sides of some of the boards. 

I primed with grey spray paint then did a base coat of tan and burnt umber. 

Here are the colors used for the second coat. 

I made a wash mixing the two colors shown.

I lined the cracks with the colors shown, using a liner brush, and then used the sponge to wipe off as I went along. 

Next I glazed over the boards, mixing up the colors along the various boards.

Those other floors shown in the photo below, in the upper left of the photo, are taken from paper  models by Fat Dragon Games. I had mounted them onto foam core and we had used them in something else, but I was using them here as source material / reference. 

Over that I glazed with sepia and an orange-brown. 

Toward the end I added dirt and grime using Agrax Earthshade, Secret Weapon Sewer Water and SW Cement. This was applied using an old worn out 1" brush, in a stabbing / stippling motion.

At that point, I did a slight dry brush with "Iraqui Sand" color paint and it looked like below. 

But then I decided to give it another glaze of sepia, and then I painted it with a light coat of Liquitex gloss varnish, which resulted in below. I think it's done!


  1. Woah! Nice: I love the detailing. As someone who has repaired such hardwood floors IRL, doing things like pressing the boards' ends with the flat of the screwdriver is a great touch.

    Can you bring that v-shaped gouger next time we meet? That thing looks very cool.

  2. Hi Pho, thanks! Sure I can bring the gouges.
