Monday, June 10, 2019

Dice Tower With Concealed Tray

Here is another dice tower I made for tabletop gaming. Unlike most dice towers I've seen, this one has a concealed tray.


The tray is where the dice land after they fall through the chute. Here is a front view of the tower, showing the tray, which is screened on three sides. A concealed tray might be useful for Dungeon Masters if they don't use a DM's screen, or others who need to hide their rolls from other players. 

This tower has a cavern-like style, with jagged rocks (made from blue foam) on the sides. The colorful rocks in the front are meant to look like crystals. 

The "chute," shown below is made from Palight PVC board and joined with Superglue. 

I had a better process for making the chute this time. Below is a picture that makes it pretty self-explanatory. I measured out where the "bumpers" go and then drew their placement on the side panels. So when it came time to insert the bumpers into the chute, I had guides. Before, I was just winging it. 

Also, using tape helped a lot. Much easier than trying to use clamps as shown in some of my other blog posts about dice towers. 

The red stuff is Vallejo's Earth Texture product.


  1. I like seeing the development of bumper placement/shape etc. How does it test? Does the die end up in a good location?

  2. Thanks! Yeah I like the chute and tray, it works great. The crystals were time consuming and didn't really come out like I had in mind but I guess I can still work on them.
